Monday, February 21, 2011

Cute Baby Clothes

By Sharon Pate

Buying new born baby clothes can be an exciting event, but because babies are extra sensitive at a young age, special things need to be done in order to ensure their safety. Especially because it is the clothes that will come into contact with the baby the most, and as such, have to be absolutely safe. This is because if the wrong clothes are chosen, it can cause everything from simple complications to complete disaster.

Remember that not all baby clothes are made of the same materials. Clothes made of the wrong materials can cause a range of side-effects ranging from the simple, like skin irritations, to the severe, like allergic reactions. This is why it's important to check the following things in order to make sure that the baby's safety is ensured.

First is to check the materials, which include the fabric and dyes used. There are fabrics that are not only hypo-allergenic, but are actually also very comfortable and beautiful. A very good example is cotton, and if the clothes are not too loose, they are perfect because it allows the skin to breathe, as well as be very comfortable for the baby.

Clothing tags are the next thing that need to be checked. This is because clothing tags can be very irritating and annoying if placed in a peculiar spot, and if made of a different fabric or material. Tags can be removed, but should be done properly, not just by taking a pair of scissors and cutting them off, but by removing the whole tag by detaching the tag from the stitching.

Zippers also have to be checked, especially for clothes that are a bit snug and fit. Zippers have to have zipper guards, which are flaps of cloth that make sure the zipper is not in contact with the skin, which can lead to injuries. Aside from zippers, buttons also have to be checked, and any buttons present should not be loose, near the mouth, and small enough to be swallowed in the event that the baby gets a hold of them.

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