Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Deciding on those Engagement Party Gifts

By Candice Nayland

An Engagement Party! And you're invited! Great - something to look forward to. Except you want to get the couple engagement party gifts but you don't want to spend too much as the wedding presents will be the next thing on the list.

These days more and more couples seem to be opting for engagement party gifts. It?s challenging with all your financial commitments and it seems so many people you know are getting married. So what choices do you have? You definitely don?t want to buy something cheap and nasty ? you want it to be a thoughtful gift.

How do you decide what to buy? Going cheap is not really an option but 'going thoughtful' certainly is. You want your gift to show some thought and caring but not cost an arm and a leg.

Don't be afraid of giving a his and hers gift - that's okay. Just try to make the two gifts have some kind of connection.Look for an interest they share and buy accordingly.Engagement party gifts are about the people you're buying for so make an effort to try and know their interests well.

If you know the couple well then you should not have much of a problem selecting gifts. If, on the other hand, you do not know the couple then opt for a generic gift. Something consumable is the right plan - go with a really nice fruit basket or wine basket with your congratulations posted on it.Perhaps consider a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a couple of gift certificates in an envelope -wonderful engagement party gifts

The people in your life who will be getting married and are now about to be engaged are easier to buy for. You know them well. However the decision must still be how to buy ? for both or separately. If the couple already live together then you could get something like kitchen ware or wine rack etc. If they don?t live together yet then avoid that type of gift ? it?s better suited for the wedding

Thoughtful gifts are the meaningful ones - not the price tag. Give it some time and really try and think about the couple and what they may need or want. You can come up with an idea that won't bust your budget. It's a common mistake to leave the buying of the engagement party gifts too late and as a result buying something that is inappropriate or very expensive.

It's not to say that the value is not in the giving but a thoughtful gift on this memorable day makes it even more special. It shows that you care about your newly engaged friends and that you sincerely wish them happiness.That's the value of

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