Sunday, March 27, 2011

Are Hijabs the Ideal Islamic Dress For Muslim Lady?

By George Priestley

O Prophet! Inform your wives and your daughters plus the girl of the believers to draw their cloaks (Jilbabs) all over their bodies (i. e. screen themselves completely besides the eyes or one eye in order to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) for this reason as not to be annoyed. And Allah is ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah Al Ahzaab verse 33: 59).

jilbab have been towards use for a very long time. They have been the foremost choice of costume for woman close to the Muslim Arab world ever since the advent of Islam. Whilst Hijabs are considered the leading dress for Muslim girl, there are some controversies about various patterns from the early Islamic time. This is due to the fact that there are no pictures or garments available from the early Islamic era. Therefore it cannot be conclusively stated whether the early Hijabs were indeed the same as the modern day versions. Apart from these meaning related issues, no Islamic scholar has stated to date that the Hijabs are not the stated form of attire for female while in the Holy Quran.

Most modern day Muslims are adamant about the Jilbabs being the same as those that were worn by Muslim female during the Prophet's (p. b. u. h) time. On close scrutiny, there's many information available in the history of Jilbabs. According in order to certain research, the current day Jilbabs date originally back in order to the 1970's when the Egyptian Muslim girl adopted them as the shape of dressing. According in order to this research, the Egyptian woman wore these Hijabs to show their obedience to a specific sect of Islam. Thereby they are considered a modern invention which is in to complete adherence to the laws strictly stated during the Quran. After the Egyptian women, these slowly filtered out to the Indonesian female too. Gently and steadily, these robes became a component of Muslim women's wardrobe into a vast majority of previously unaccustomed elements of the Muslim world.

The ever increasing Muslim strength and the more religiously involved people in the 1970's and 1980's, led in order to the globalization of these Jilbabs. Today, regardless of ethnic or social background, they have become a trademark for Muslim girl close to the world. Lady who initially wore just loose fitting culturally standard attire have converted to wearing Jilbabs as they believe that this is what Allah (SWT) stated in the Quran. The Muslim lady specifically living in Non-Muslim countries have adopted the long and loose robes that hide the contours of their bodies along with a scarf or head wrap that completely hides their hair from all others.

There are a lot of references to Quran and Sunnah about the obligatory veiling of woman. But, as there are always two sides of any argument, for certain the term Hijabs stated during the Quran does not necessarily relate in order to the long, loose streaming robe. For that matter, for them the term is used for the process of veiling instead. They do not believe that the term just refers in order to the robes instead could be consolidated for all types of Muslim clothing that is decent and modest.

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