Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cool T-Shirts And Skinny Jeans Baffle Me

By Tyrone Mills

Not to sound like an old man, but where in the heck did these kids come from? Have you ever stepped out of your house, looked around, and thought you were being invaded by time travelers from the distant future? Every young person I see has their nose buried in some expensive gadget and wearing a cool t-shirt that looks way more amazing than anything I ever owned.

If you had asked my back in 1986 if there would ever be a day when I would look at people younger then me with squinty eyes and wonder why they were doing what they're doing and wearing what they're wearing, I would have laughed right in your face. I was the coolest dude on the planet back then. Why did that statement sound so ridiculous? I feel like I can't even remember being cool.

People are all the time trying to generalize when this transferal from cool to uncool takes place. They want to say that it's kids or marriage or a career. I say bullcrap to all of that. I know plenty of married guys with kids and a career who stay as cool as ice all their lives. I'm just not one of those lucky people, and I don't know why. Maybe I just didn't try hard enough in the 90's.

I just want to go visit a pharmacist, look him in the eye, and demand a pill that will cure me of my uncoolness. If we can control acne in teenagers and fight cancer with lasers, then we should darn well be able to take out whatever gene is making me think that Hannah Montana is an idiot. Unless she's not considered cool...which I'm really not sure about, to be honest.

When my mother told me that all kids turn into their parents one day, I wanted to scream my denial in her face. There was no way I was ever going to be a pencil-pushing desk jockey like my old man, and I was definitely not going to join a weekly Bridge club like my mom. Lo and behold, I play spades (close enough) and I work in a cubicle (too close for comfort.) I guess I'll continue to be confused by the bright, cool t-shirts and the slang words I don't understand. I'm too old to be cool.

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