Sunday, June 26, 2011

Women's Fashion - How To Color Coordinate

By Mark Walters

If you are always concerned about what you are going to be wearing when you leave the house then you will most likely want to spend some time learning about how to match your clothing appropriately. This is because not everything goes well together and many people do not fully understand that. This article will explore some basic tips that you will want to follow when it comes to matching your clothes.

Have you ever really considered what colors you need to have in your closet so that you are able to look good no matter where you are heading? Well, for starters you are going to want to make sure that you have a lot of neutral colors. Neutral colors are white, black, tan, cream, beige, brown and navy. When you have a lot of these colors at your disposal then you will be able to mix and match them anyway that you want and still look amazing. These colors always work well together and that is why you should make sure that you have them ready to go.

Once you have acquired all of your basic, neutral colors you are ready to build on this and create a more extensive, brightly colored wardrobe. This will help you add more flare and color to what you are wearing when you head out. After all, you do not want to wear all neutral colors all of the time when you are trying to make a statement and draw attention to your wonderful figure. You want to look amazing and that is why you really need to make sure that you are purchasing some skirts, shirts, purses, accessories, etc. that have some color too. Doing so will add a lot of spice and flare to what you already have in your closet. There is no better way to add some spice to your life than to add some splashes of color.

If you are going to be wearing a pale pink color then you may want to consider a turquoise color to go along with it. Tan also looks very nice with this color. However, if you are planning on wearing something orange you will want to make sure that you have pulled out your browns and tans to go along with that. While all of this might sound really confusing, you need to realize that there are so many different options related to your color coordination that you might want to strongly consider purchasing a color wheel to use when it is time to match things up. This is often a great help.

That's the basics covered. It's not really that difficult once you have some solid neutral colors to build upon!

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