Friday, July 1, 2011

Using Mosaics to Give Your Old Furniture a New Lease of Life

By Clare Shuey

In the current economic climate, most of us are always on the lookout for a quick way to save money. If there's anything that we can do to save a few quid, you can bet your bottom dollar (excuse the pun) that we'll go for it. When it comes to refurnishing our homes, we are often too quick to get rid of tired old furniture and replace it with brand spanking new items.

However, this isn't really that cost effective. Granted, the dining room table might be scratched and stained and your antique chest of drawers may have seen better days but you should always have the mindset of 'restore not replace'. With the cost of living on the up, we have to do everything we can to scrim and save.

One way to bring a new lease of life to your old furniture id to decorate it with coloured mosaics. This is something that you can do at home, with a minimal amount of skill required and at very little monetary cost. First you need to find the piece of furniture you want to decorate. Ideally, you should use a flat surface; a tabletop is ideal. You can decorate an entire piece of furniture if you wish, but this can require a bit more skill. First timers should stick to decorating a flat, horizontal surface.

Literally any material can be used when decorating furniture. Broken china, stones, coloured glass pieces etc. It really depends on what style you are trying to achieve. Firstly place a large piece of paper over the tabletop and arrange your mosaic pieces as you so wish. At this stage your pieces aren't attached so you can rearrange as much as you like. Once you are happy, remove the paper with all of the pieces and lay on the floor.

Now you must position the pieces one by one on the tabletop, using a strong adhesive to secure them. Allow up to an inch between pieces for the grout. Once all of the pieces are in position, apply a generous amount of grout, squeezing it in between all of the pieces. Any excess should be wiped off with a damp cloth. Now allow the grout to dry (this can take up to a week to dry completely). Now you have your very own stylish mosaic table.

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