Monday, January 31, 2011

Emo Shoes: A Take on the Emo Fashion Industry

By Pearl Wilson

Emo themed shoes are one of the most successful products of footwear fashion. Even people who are not truly into the emo ideals and other related items love shoes when done with the emo theme. Hence, it is not surprising how the emo themed footwear has taken the fashion industry by storm. People are drawn towards the air of mystery and uniqueness that these shoes show.

Deep, dark feelings as seen in footwear fashion

Like the emo ideal, the emo shoes consistently display the deepest of human emotions. There is a stark but intriguing quality of mystery to the emo fashion that makes it even more appealing. The intricate play on human emotions that is seen in these emo shoes make this footwear an even more impressive deal. The magnetic pull of these shoes to people lies not only in the visually pleasing characteristics but in the emotional value that it has as well. It affects us in an emotional plane and that's what sets the emo shoes apart from all the rest.

Black hues

Another striking quality to the emo shoes that are popular today is its predominant use of black hues and color tones. There are many emo themed fashion articles with a black base or have some black colors somewhere. The use of many black colors in the said shoes has risen to be a standard and a distinctive quality to the emo fashion articles. The use of the black hues helps in making the message or theme of human emotions come out.

Societal commentary

Wearing emo shoes have been popular because it has risen to a reputation of showing a statement out for society. During its time of introduction, bright colors were the standard and the complete turnaround to the dark hues is a big issue of social concern. It comes with a slight shock value as one goes beyond the norms and breaks expectations in their fashion. The quality of slight rebellion to prevailing themes has been a strong and attractive quality to it.

Other emo fashion selections

Another interesting thing about the emo fashion scene is that it is used not only in shoes but in many other fashion articles as well. You can pair up your emo shoes with emo themed shirts, caps, hats, dresses and other things. There are many items to choose from and could include watches, dresses, shirts and head gear all for playing up that emo look. Just imagine these shoes to complete an authentic emo get up and you are sure to wow the crowd.

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