Most women love handbags and usually have several. You've got formal clutches, casual hobo bags, evening bags, beach bags, back packs, over the shoulder, cross the body - whew! There are just so many different styles to choose from.
But our purses and handbags can do more than just accessorize our wardrobes. Choosing the right type of bag can help to accentuate your figure as well as choosing the right pants or jacket. So before you purchase a handbag, check out these tip to help you choose the right one.
The basic tip when it comes to handbag fashion is to look for something the opposite of your figure. So for a shorter, heavy set figure, you would want to carry a sleek and stylish bag. A tall, thin figure is attractively set off by a softer, slouchier bag.
Angular frames work well with slouchy or round bags. And women with round, curvy figures look best with structured, squared bags.
Shape isn't the only consideration, you should also concern yourself with the size of the bag. As opposed to the shape, you want the size of the bag to be in proportion to the size of your body. So if you're tall or heavy set, you'll want to have a larger bag, while small and very thin women should choose smaller, sleeker bags.
The best way to decide is to actually try your purse on, just like you would any other article of clothing. Look at yourself in the mirror, carrying it the way you normally would. If you're considering a shoulder bag, where does it hang to? The part of your body by the bottom of the bag will be accentuated. So if you have heavy hips, you don't want a bag that stops at hip level. Most women look best with a bag that ends at the waist.
But our purses and handbags can do more than just accessorize our wardrobes. Choosing the right type of bag can help to accentuate your figure as well as choosing the right pants or jacket. So before you purchase a handbag, check out these tip to help you choose the right one.
The basic tip when it comes to handbag fashion is to look for something the opposite of your figure. So for a shorter, heavy set figure, you would want to carry a sleek and stylish bag. A tall, thin figure is attractively set off by a softer, slouchier bag.
Angular frames work well with slouchy or round bags. And women with round, curvy figures look best with structured, squared bags.
Shape isn't the only consideration, you should also concern yourself with the size of the bag. As opposed to the shape, you want the size of the bag to be in proportion to the size of your body. So if you're tall or heavy set, you'll want to have a larger bag, while small and very thin women should choose smaller, sleeker bags.
The best way to decide is to actually try your purse on, just like you would any other article of clothing. Look at yourself in the mirror, carrying it the way you normally would. If you're considering a shoulder bag, where does it hang to? The part of your body by the bottom of the bag will be accentuated. So if you have heavy hips, you don't want a bag that stops at hip level. Most women look best with a bag that ends at the waist.
About the Author:
Hobo bags for women come in styles from sleek and structured to oversized and slouchy. They're generally a good choice for the figure as they can lay flat and conform to the figure. Across the body styles distribute weight well, making it the perfect bag for those of us who have a lot to carry. Visit to find a bag that's just right for you.
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