Friday, April 15, 2011

Getting Rid Of Scrapbooking Mistakes

By Janette Miller

Regardless of how careful you are there will definitely come a point when you make a mistake in your scrapbook. However the troublesome part, is that not all of the mistakes will be the same, and so they can't all be treated using the same tricks.

That's the reason why in this post I'd like to share with you a couple of the techniques that I have developed over the years to mask the majority of my blunders.

Mistakes, Marks, and Glue

If you happen to spot a screw up mark, or little bits of glue on your album page, you can try rubbing them off with a soft white eraser. Apply light pressure to start with to avoid damaging the page, and if the mark does not disappear, using gentile care, apply a touch more pressure until the mark is gone. This has saved my layouts many times in the past.

Make It A Feature

Or, If the mark will not go away, you can turn the mark into an interesting squiggle or doodle and present it as a feature of the page.

Book Text

For mistakes made in journal text, try covering it with a sticker that's the same color as the journal page, and then just write the new text on the sticker.

Larger Mistakes

If the error is larger, you can cover the mistake with a bigger sticker (or picture) such as a smiley face, kitty, flower, or starfish. All you have got to do is think about something that fits in with the theme of the page. This a good one because nobody will ever realise that it basically it hides a mistake.

White/Black Page Mistakes

If the mistake is on a plain white page, and the mark is only small, 'white-out ' can be employed to cover it. And for black pages, you can also get 'black-out ' from most craft stores.

Finger Print Smudges on Photos

Fingerprint smudges on your photographs can be removed by rubbing the fingerprints with care using a bit of flannel or a dry baby wipe.

I'm hoping these tips can may be able to help you to get out a sticky situation, the next time you make a blunder (because they sure have for me).

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