Monday, November 28, 2011

Not Merely Plain Diamonds Any More: the New Eternity Band

By Heather Nicoletti

Without a doubt, craftsmanship in diamond processing is so important. A diamond even if it has no inherent inclusions or blemishes will look simply unimpressive if it is not well-faceted. To ensure that these stones sparkle and show exceptional fire or refraction, they need to be made as well-proportioned as possible.

Detailed engraving and the use of motifs such as hearts occurred during the Romantic era of the 17th and 18th centuries. Crosses, stars, leaves and branches were all in style and wealthy Europeans showed a taste for diamonds and rubies, symbolizing eternity and love.

The Victorian Era saw the continued use of intricate metalwork and a rise in colored gemstones as the choice for engagement rings. In 1870, a plentiful supply of diamonds was discovered in South Africa. This, coupled with the wealth generated by the Industrial Revolution, made the ultimate symbol accessible and affordable for the public, and diamonds quickly became the rage. In 1886 Tiffany introduced the six-prong diamond solitaire engagement ring.

Different people have different tastes and preferences that may vary from time to time but there are some least suggestions given below to help you before purchasing a princess shape: 1. Cut should be fine. 2. Color needs to be good or better. 3. Clarity of this precious stone should be much better.

In the past 10 years platinum alloys have made a dramatic comeback. WWII also saw the revival of an old European custom where the groom and the bride both receive wedding bands. This tradition continues today. In 1947 DeBeers introduced a marketing slogan that vaulted the diamond engagement ring into ultimate prominence. The slogan "A Diamond is forever" resulted in a diamond movement that is still growing 60 years later. Today an estimated 78% of all engagement rings sold are set with diamonds.

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